During COVID19 pandemic researchers are limited to present research on-site.  This was the time when opportunities of disseminating results of research became borderless.  Researchers need not to spend thousands of pesos and travel to other parts of the country or abroad. Research can be presented virtually using different platforms.     

A research poster entitled “ Growth and Survival of Molobicus Tilapia at Different Stocking Densities with White Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) and Gracilaria sp. in an Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture System by Dr. Emmanuel Capinpin Jr., et al. was included in the list of posters  for evaluation during the 2020 Global Conference  in Aquaculture which was held in Shanghai, China on September 22-25, 2021.  The integrated multi trophic aquaculture co-cultures organisms from different levels of the food chain in one environment where wastes from one species becomes a source of food for another and unconsumed feeds and other organic matter serve as fertilizer for the growth of plants like seaweeds.).  The idea of co-culturing two or more species from different food chain in the same environment maximizes production per unit area per unit time, thus increasing production and creating a healthier environment.  In this study, the researchers utilized molobicus tilapia as the main species, P. Vannamei as the deposit feeder and gracilaria as filter feeder.