The renewal of the Memorandum of Agreement with Tanggol Kaliksan, generates a research program entitled “Environmental Justice Sector Reform Program”. The program was funded by the Tanggol Kalikasan (TK) and the United States Department of Interior/International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (USDOI/INL). It has two phases. The first phase covers the coastal municipalities and a city (Infanta, Dasol, Burgos, Bani, Bolinao and Alaminos City) in the Western part of Lingayen Gulf.
The second phase covers the municipalities in the Centra part of Lingayen Gulf from Sual, Labrador, Lingayen, Dagupan City and San Fabian. Each phase has research and extension components. The research entitled “Assessment of the Biophysical Resources in the Coastal Areas of Lingayen Gulf” was implemented ahead and was used as basis in the development of the Area Specific Action plan of the participants during the last day of their training on Environmental Law Enforcement. The research includes the fisheries profile (number of fishers, fishing boats, fish pens and fish cages and production of fish and other fishery products), macroflora (mangroves, associated and beach forest species), and macrofauna (fishes, crustaceans and mollusks). Issues/problems in the covered coastal municipalities and cities were also identified and the researchers recommended possible solutions to the identified issues/problems.